英語をモノにするポッドキャストPodcast: テロ6周年とビンラディン<ジャンプ編>07-15
Purported new bin Laden tape released
A new Osama bin Laden videotape released Tuesday on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks shows one of the suicide hijackers speaking his last will and testament into the camera as his image is superimposed upon an image of a burning World Trade Center.
●理解へのツボ (太字は述語)
Purported new bin Laden tape / released
2.本 文
A new Osama bin Laden videotape / released Tuesday / on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks / shows one of the suicide hijackers speaking his last will and testament into the camera / as his image is superimposed upon an image of a burning World Trade Center.
●キーワード (数字は「アルクの重要度ランク」)
<単 語> 1(易しい)→12(難しい)
・ purported 〜と思われる
・ 1 videotape ビデオ映像
・ suicide hijacker 自爆ハイジャック犯
* suicide:自殺(者)、hijacker:ハイジャック犯
cf. suicide bomber:自爆テロ犯
・ last will and testament 遺言書
*last(最後の) + will(意志) + testament(証拠)
・ as S V SがVするなかで
・ 2 image 画像、映像
・12 superimpose A upon B AにBを重ね合わせる
・ 5 burning(形容詞) 燃えている
・ World Trade Center 世界貿易センター
<熟 語> 1(易しい)→10(難しい)
●類義語&頻出表現 (単語力グングン!)
a new video
=a new tape
=a new videotape
〜 was released
=〜 surfaced
the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks
=the sixth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks
attacks on New York and Washington
a purported 〜 tape
=a video purportedly 〜
Purported new bin Laden tape released
A new Osama bin Laden videotape released Tuesday on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks shows one of the suicide hijackers speaking his last will and testament into the camera as his image is superimposed upon an image of a burning World Trade Center.
●類似記事 (ニュース3本を終えて腕試し!)
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